Skytrips Staff Applications
Thank you for being interested in applying for staff on skytrips. We have very high expectations on our staff members. Please follow the format below and make sure you meet the requirements before applying. Your application would normally take 2-3 days for a response.
-Must be 16 years of age or above
-Must be globally active
-Must have a microphone
-Must be mature
First name:
In-game name:
Full Address:
Discord tag (XX#XXXX):
Server do you play?:
Are you a donator?:
Why do you want to be a staff member?:
Why do you think you should be accepted instead of others?:
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
List 10 oaths you should do if ever you will be accepted as a staff (breaking this oaths of yours will result of demotion):
Situation 1: 2 people are hacking on the server, you receive 2 reports on discord about someone advertising there. What would you do?
Situation 2: Someone is threatening to hack the server discord and in game, what would you do?
Follow the staff format, or else your application would not be accepted. Once again, please do not ask about of your Application . Do not message other staff members or you will NOT receive a respond. Thank you and have a nice day! @everyone Your Aplication Automatically check. @Riymon